Free Adhira Creative Agency Portfolio WordPress Theme Download
- Health & Beauty, Medical, Design Agency, Freelance Portfolio, Software Business, Consultants, Schools, Travel Agency, Restaurants & Hotels, Online Shops, and more are just a few of the many niches covered by premium WordPress themes. Each theme is WPML compatible, WooCommerce ready, fully responsive, editable, and built using HTML5 and CSS3 for search engine optimization. Free Adhira Creative Agency Portfolio WordPress Theme Download
- you can download all of the products (11850) for free, including WordPress, Woocommerce, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Muse, Opencart, Prestashop, Shopify, Unbounce, Ghost, Tumblr, Virtuemart, and We offer an automatic upgrading service for the WordPress plugin.
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If Envato template How To use Kit:
- The Envato Elements plugin can be installed and activated from Plugins > In WordPress, click Add New, then import the Kit zip by selecting the Import Kit button under Installed Kits.
- Set the Off-Canvas template as the Menu icon popup template.
- Put the footer template at the bottom of Home and Archives.
- In Templates > Theme Builder, set featured pictures for archives.
- Set a featured image for the page to appear in the title background once the templates have been imported to the pages for your website.
Free Adhira Creative Agency Portfolio WordPress Theme Download
- WordPress Theme: Adhira – Creative Agency Portfolio The finest design for Business 2021 is the Creative Agency Portfolio WordPress Theme, which can be used for any creative agency and business portfolios. any type of business WordPress theme built with a grid template with 12 columns and the Bootstrap framework. The clean and vibrant WordPress theme “Adhira” is ideal for use as a business theme. Everything you require to build a website is included, including
- Adhira – Beautiful Personal Portfolio WordPress Theme. PHP files are neatly organised and very simple to edit. 10 WordPress pages are included for you.
- We think we’ve covered everything you need to know, but if there’s anything else you want to know, let us know and we’ll be pleased to assist you.
- 16+ Original, Fashionable
- Innovative Pages 02
- Well-designed Blog & Single Post Page layout Includes Wp Bakery Page Builder
- (Savings of $64) There is no need to purchase WP Bakery Page Builder separately
- Adhira Theme already includes it.
- It includes plugins pre-installed.
- Plugins will automatically get the most recent updates.
- No coding experience necessary! Redux Architecture:
- For WordPress themes and plugins, Redux is a straightforward, genuinely extendable, and completely responsive options framework.
- Strong Theme Options: You may quickly alter many things with the theme options.
- In the same way as a logo, favicon, header, footer, etc.
- One Click Demo Import: One Click Demo Import makes it simple to import demo data.
- Thus you may customise the site without having to start from scratch, just import demo data.
- Completely Responsive: Because our theme is 100% responsive, it will function well on all mobile devices (smart phones, tablet, PCs and desktops) Message Form 7 appropriate with
- WPML correctly coded files Authentic, Simple, and Contemporary Design validated by W3C codes Optimizing for several browsers Parallax Background Impact of Custom Animation
- SEO-Friendly HTML Scroll smoothly Static Menu Chrome Fonts No cost font icons Simple Setup CSS3 animation consists of Adhira Library for Font Awesome Superior customer service
- As much as you do, we are committed to supporting your website in every way we can. And a lot more…
Application Supported
- WPBakery Page Builder
File Type
WordPress theme
- Portrait
- Layer
- Documentation Included
NOTE: The copyrighted images used in the sample are not available for download; if you wish to use them, we can offer the links to purchase a licence.