Free Folyo Modular Portfolio WordPress Theme Download
- Health & Beauty, Medical, Design Agency, Freelance Portfolio, Software Business, Consultants, Schools, Travel Agency, Restaurants & Hotels, Online Shops, and more are just a few of the many niches covered by premium WordPress themes. Each theme is WPML compatible, WooCommerce ready, fully responsive, editable, and built using HTML5 and CSS3 for search engine optimization. Free Folyo Modular Portfolio WordPress Theme Download
- you can download all of the products (11850) for free, including WordPress, Woocommerce, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Muse, Opencart, Prestashop, Shopify, Unbounce, Ghost, Tumblr, Virtuemart, and We offer an automatic upgrading service for the WordPress plugin.
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If Envato template How To use Kit:
- The Envato Elements plugin can be installed and activated from Plugins > In WordPress, click Add New, then import the Kit zip by selecting the Import Kit button under Installed Kits.
- Set the Off-Canvas template as the Menu icon popup template.
- Put the footer template at the bottom of Home and Archives.
- In Templates > Theme Builder, set featured pictures for archives.
- Set a featured image for the page to appear in the title background once the templates have been imported to the pages for your website.
Free Folyo Modular Portfolio WordPress Theme Download
- A simple, effective, and adaptable WordPress portfolio theme is called Folyo. You can use Folyo to show off your work to potential customers. Folyo will be a terrific theme for your work to be exhibited in public whether you are a great photographer, logo designer, typographer, interior designer, product designer,
- or someone else in the creative industry.
- It indicates that you can create your homepage using special pre-built modules from Folyo. It functions similarly to a page builder but with fewer obtrusive elements. Since WordPress’ widget architecture was used in the construction of all modules, you are already familiar with it.
- There are countless combinations you may make; get inventive and develop your own styles. Instead, import our demo site and use it as a foundation. On our example site, every version of the homepage was created using modules.
- no outside page builder Although page builders are excellent, they include extra complexity and pointless components. Instead, we built unique homepages using custom widgets (modules) and the fantastic and well-known widget system of WordPress.
- Performance-oriented – Because photos are lazy-loaded, your visitors won’t have to wait while your portfolio images load. They are instead loaded as needed. Also, as the picture sizes are dynamically determined, your mobile browser will load the smaller version of the image rather than the one intended for desktop browsers.
- No hundreds of fonts – A font collection is not what your website is meant to be. Typography is important, thus we paid special attention to it for Folyo. The performance and simplicity benefits from the use of just one font.
- Compatible with Gutenberg – WordPress 5.0 introduces a fantastic new editor by the name of Gutenberg. The new editor is available on portfolio items and blog articles on Folyo, and you can utilise pre-built blocks to generate stunning content.
- Simpler design means less noise
- Adaptable modules
- Live Customizer settings that are compatible with Gutenberg (WordPress 5.0)
- Completely responsive design
- wonderful performance
- sluggish loading and variable image sizes
- Scaling impact
- Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, VK, Pocket, and Telegram are examples of social media platforms.
- incorporating Instagram
- tailored widgets
- (Sticky+transparent, static, transparent, and sticky)
- first portion
- dropdown and mega menu
- Different project layouts
- audio, video, and gallery formats
- RAW for retina
- amazing typography
- simple import of a demo
- paging techniques (numeric, load more button, infinite scroll & standard navigation)
- translation completed
- Similar articles
- In-footer widgets
Application Supported
- Gutenberg
File Type
WordPress theme
- Portrait
- Layer
- Documentation Included
NOTE: The copyrighted images used in the sample are not available for download; if you wish to use them, we can offer the links to purchase a licence.