Free Creative Portfolio Muse CC Templates and Widgets Download
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Portfolio is one of Adobe Muse CC’s fully responsive templates. Without knowing any code, you can create a one-of-a-kind, responsive, and cutting-edge portfolio website with this template!
Creative Portfolio Muse CC Templates and Widgets Features of the template
- Completely responsive template
- Edge Web Fonts by Adobe
- Clearly laid out templates
- contemporary and creative style
- Utilizing the Adobe Muse CC Gallery Widget, customization is simple.
- Package contains:
- Muze files
- Widget for simple photo zoom
- Widget for a photo gallery
- HTML version
- Creative Portfolio Muse CC Templates and Widgets
- drawing files
Software specifications:
- Images for Adobe Muse CC through
Application Supported
- Adobe Muse
File Type
- Portrait
- Layer
- Documentation Included
NOTE: The copyrighted images used in the sample are not available for download; if you wish to use them, we can offer the links to purchase a licence