Free CityBook Directory Listing WordPress Theme Download
- Health & Beauty, Medical, Design Agency, Freelance Portfolio, Software Business, Consultants, Schools, Travel Agency, Restaurants & Hotels, Online Shops, and more are just a few of the many niches covered by premium WordPress themes. Each theme is WPML compatible, WooCommerce ready, fully responsive, editable, and built using HTML5 and CSS3 for search engine optimization. Free CityBook Directory Listing WordPress Theme Download
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Free CityBook Directory Listing WordPress Theme Download
- CityBook – Listing & Directory If you like a simple and contemporary style, a WordPress theme is ideal. Create, maintain, and monetize a local or international directory site with the aid of the CityBook listing directory theme.
- An effective admin interface
- Highly Modifiable
- No coding experience necessary
- Friendly Option Panel: We created an option panel that is user-friendly and simple to comprehend.
- Regarding Listing:
- Flexible Each listing category has a unique feature and extra features for the listing page. Different layouts are used for listing content and sidebar widgets.
- Features for Unlimited Listings
- Excellent Grid/List Layout for Beautiful Listing and CityListing single-page designs
- Working Hours for Single Listing Review, Like/Unlike, and Rating
- Integrated Listing Social Share
- 5 listing AD widgets with listing price range and claim system
- support for custom shortcodes
- Support for Simple Booking and Appointments Membership in the Calendar: Our Theme Support The site’s owner or administrator can develop packages for sale and upload services to
- the site in order to list authors thanks to the membership function.
- Paid/free membership package with expiration and a limit on the number of listings
- automatic listing publication following payment
- After a membership subscription has expired, hide the listing
- both a one-time and ongoing membership
- Support Recurring subscription with Paypal or Stripe
- Front-end Dashboard statistics page
- system for notifying users
- Easy editing and updating of user information with custom avatar upload
- Direct messaging between the author and the custom
- Membership package: Billing administration
- listing for advertising
- Payment: assistance 3 payment options for membership dues and posting advertisements
- Money transfer
- PayPal: Both one-time and recurring
- Stripe: One-off and recurring payments
- only free with subscription to free membership
- Facebook Login
- Google Location and Category’s smart search
- Optimized for SEO Fully hand programmed, semantic, and written to improve search engine ranking. The theme effectively uses the h1, h2, and h3 tags. Give the mark-Content up’s
- hierarchy precedence. Famous Yoast plugin compatibility, full localization, and support for WPML
- All pages have a responsive layout that is 100 percent complete. As a result, it appears fantastic on both large and portable devices.
- Integration of Google Maps and OpenStreet Maps for Listing Sidebar and Widget Manager: Flickr Widget, Gallery, Recent Listing, MailChimp Newsletter Widget, Recent Blog Posts,
- Social Widget, and Twitter Widget are among the widgets that are currently available.
- The theme is compatible with the most widely used web browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
- List of all features
- Ready for WordPress 5 Elementor Visualize Advanced Elements for the Elementor Admin Dasboard Drop & Drag Page Builder
- currency converter
- five different home pages: Map, Slider, Slideshow, Parallax picture, and Video (vimeo, html5 or youtube )
- six separate listing pages plus four additional listing solitary pages
- completely unpaid OpenStreetMap
- backgrounds with a whole screen
- strong, distinctive parallax effects
- Self-hosted, YouTube, and Vimeo have header options for posts, pages, categories, and tags. Background image for video For mobile, a background will be utilised instead.
- Completely functional support contact form Living Customizer
- 600+ One Click Demo Data Import Web fonts from Google
- Display Icons (Font Awesome)
- Easy to Customize Bootstrap Framework Translation prepared with. .pot file is present
- Page + Post settings with right, left, or full width metabox Format for blog posts
- Included is a demo data xml file.
- Child theme was present.
- Unlimited Color
- properly documented
- Swipe and touch
- Mailchimp sign up
- Instagram feeds are fed by Twitter.
- And a lot more…
- Java scripts
- React\sRedux\saxios
- Easing Font Awesome 5 Pro Slick Carousel Isotope Light gallery, OpenLayers map
File Type
Compatible WIth
WooCommerce, WPML, Bootstrap
Compatible Version
- Tested up to version 5.8