Free Lana Creative Coming Soon Template Download
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Lana – Creative Coming Soon Template
- Lana is a creative, contemporary, minimal, and completely responsive template that can be used by any creative person, company, agency, portfolio, etc.
- 90 HTML template files with Responsive Design Bootstrap 4.3.1 compatibility
- Animations in CSS3 – Animate.css Background Designs – Image Background Background – Image and Color Background – Slideshow Zoom Introduction: Slideshow Kenburns
- Background – Image & Video Background – HTML5 Background for a video on YouTube Several Videos Animation of the background gradient Background: Solid Color Background:
- Bubble Background: Background Style 1 and Style 2: Bubble Background: Constellation Background: Edge Background: Background: Polygon Background: Background 5 Button Styles:
- Classic, Bordered, Link, Rounded-circle, and Shadow
- Valid HTML W3C
- Mailchimp AJAX Contact Form Integrated AJAX Subscription Form
- Gallery Lightbox +
- 945 icons with integration of Font Awesome 5 Well-documented HTML and CSS files
File Type
- Retina ready
- Responsive
- Documentation Included