Free Luma Education HTML Learning Management System Download
- Health & Beauty, Medical, Design Agency, Freelance Portfolio, Software Business, Consultants, Schools, Travel Agency, Restaurants & Hotels, Online Shops, and more are just a few of the many niches covered by premium WordPress themes. Each theme is WPML compatible, WooCommerce ready, fully responsive, editable, and built using HTML5 and CSS3 for search engine optimization. Free Luma Education HTML Learning Management System Download
- you can download all of the products (11850) for free, including WordPress, Woocommerce, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Muse, Opencart, Prestashop, Shopify, Unbounce, Ghost, Tumblr, Virtuemart, and We offer an automatic upgrading service for the WordPress plugin.
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If Envato template How To use Kit:
- The Envato Elements plugin can be installed and activated from Plugins > In WordPress, click Add New, then import the Kit zip by selecting the Import Kit button under Installed Kits.
- Set the Off-Canvas template as the Menu icon popup template.
- Put the footer template at the bottom of Home and Archives.
- In Templates > Theme Builder, set featured pictures for archives.
- Set a featured image for the page to appear in the title background once the templates have been imported to the pages for your website.
Free Luma Education HTML Learning Management System Download
- With Courses & Tutorials, Video Lectures, Student & Teacher Dashboards, Curriculum Management, Earnings & Reports, ERP, HR, CMS, Tasks, Projects, eCommerce, and more, current education platforms have attractively designed HTML user interfaces.
80+ Distinctive Page Designs, 18+ Starting Layouts, expertly coded in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for any application
SCSS and JavaScript ES6 9 RTL Demos for the most recent version of Bootstrap, v4.5.2.
complete responsive
Valid HTML that is compatible with any workflow, including Webpack, Gulp, Laravel, etc.
Comprehensive Guest Pages
Front Page
See Courses
Learn about Learning Pathways
Course Preview Lesson Preview Video
Learning Route Specifications Cost Student Pages
Educator Dashboard
One’s Courses
My Routes
Study Take a Lesson
Attempt My Quizzes
Skill Evaluation Skill Results Teacher Pages Dashboard for teachers
Control Courses
Control quizzes
Modify Quiz Earnings Statement Community Pages Edit Course
Blog Post Home Blog
Educator Profike FAQ Help Center Discussions Browse Teachers Student Profile Conversation Details
Enterprise Pages – Ask a Question
CRM Dashboard for ERP.
Employess Staff Leaves Productivity Pages on the HR Dashboard
Projects Tasks Board eCommerce Tasks List
Dashboard CMS store
Manage Posts in the CMS Dashboard Account Management Pages
Edit Account Edit Email Notifications Modify Profile & Privacy
Login Information Billing Pages
Details regarding payments for subscription upgrades
Payment History Messages for Invoices
Email app Messaging app
Dragula – Drag and Drop Chart.js Flatpickr – Date Picker Date Range Picker
Dropzone – Range Sliders for File Uploads
Luma Bootstrap v2.0.0 – December 7, 2020 Quill Text Editor Select2 Nestable Fancy Tree Vector Maps Sweet Alert
The following update makes it simpler to customise JavaScript and CSS (SCSS):
added source files for JavaScript in resources/js
SCSS source files were added to resources/scss.
removed the vendor/ui-huma local private package dependence
packaged changes.
dependencies for json
Fixed Dropzone illustration
Order of loading Select2 stylesheet fixed
Examples of Fixed Vector Maps
- Fixed Sweet Alert illustration
- Luma Bootstrap 1.3.0 – September 17, 2020
- majority of the dependencies were updated (including Bootstrap to v4.5.2)
- reorganised the information to make it easier to read and use
- All demonstrations now include pre-built RTL versions.
- Dark mode demo for the added app layout
- direct insertion of the private dependencies into the download package (versus requiring a gitlab account to be able to run the provided build tools and customise the source)
- application shells were added (minimal layout templates for any application without page content)
- partial page content added (without a surrounding layout)
- 18 additional distinct, pre-built demos
- corrected a few HTML validation problems
- Luma Education HTML Learning Management System
- Search fixed select2
- added home page for the app
- v1.2.0 of Luma Bootstrap as of May 15, 2020
- v4.5.0 of Bootstrap was upgraded.
- new explore teachers page added
- new blog post page was added
- new blog posts and suggested products
- added blog page and the app layout
- new demo 2 and FAQ page
- improved the demo 2 and conversations pages
- added details for the demo 2 and discussion
- added a demo 2 and a page for questions
- page for demo 2 and the blog
- Carousel cards with improved feedback
- Enhanced blockquote formatting
- Disable and conceal tooltips on opened dropdown menus momentarily.
- v1.1.0 of Luma Bootstrap as of May 10, 2020
- Better typography
- New home page, new pricing page, new lesson layout, new quiz layout, new course layout, new dashboard layout, and improved edit course
- improved quiz management
- enhanced edit quiz enhanced course content
- improved public profile pages for teachers and students
Application Supported
File Type
- Portrait
- Layer
- Documentation Included
NOTE: The copyrighted images used in the sample are not available for download; if you wish to use them, we can offer the links to purchase a licence.